Saturday, 22 September 2012

My Food Bucket List: The First Entry

I've eaten a lot of things over the years there are so many restaurants and creations out there that I still haven't crammed into my food hole. So this will be the beginning of my bucket list of things and places I would like to eat.

Dr. Augusta's Samitorium

The invention of the sandwich is so simple, but the variations that so many different restaurants have has always astounded me. Dr. Augusta's Samitorium is the new kid on the block (Opened September 2012) that has just set up shop on the edge of the Kensington market. This shop assembles their sandwiches from fresh made bread from Blackbird Baking co.  and meats from the local meat shop,  Sanagan's Meat Locker. The one unique thing about this sandwich shop is that they serve freshly made Soda. Dr, Augusta's Samitorium actually makes your soda right in front of you using a 100 year old recipe. I'm kind of a sugar junkie who loved drinking soda growing up so when i heard that i could get freshly made root beer and ginger ale I nearly jumped into my car, left work, and drove over.

For more information:
Dr. Augusta's Samitorium Web site

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